For decades, The Record participated in one of St. Augustine's annual holiday traditions: publishing local children's letters to Santa Claus so he, and everyone else, could read them. The following letters were first published in what was called the St. Augustine Evening Record in December 1921 and were collected by Charles Tingley, senior research librarian for the St. Augustine Historical Society. The paper published the letters starting in the early 1900s to 1970.
The following letters are from December 1921.
This is the first time I have written you a letter, but my mother told me if I were a good boy that you would bring me all kinds of nice toys. Here is what I want: A puppy, above all else: a bass drum, a baby Victrola, a tool chest, an electric train, a football, a walking cane, a bicycle, a sand dumper, pretty storybooks, blocks, a pop-gun with a stopper, and lots of nice things to eat. Please don’t forget me.
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I have been a bad boy this year, but I hope you will forgive me, and bring me a blonde doll, named Marie, also a brunette, named Gertrude, bring a cat, some candy, fruit and nuts.
Please give me a big doll, dressed up pretty, a go-cart for all my dolls, and plenty of oranges, nuts, and candy. I am trying to be a good girl.
P.S. Please put a big ball in my stocking and some dishes
Just a few lines to let you know what I want for Xmas. I want a bicycle, a storybook, and some candy and fruit. Santa don’t forget my little nephew Harold Masters. Santa now bring me what I want.
I want a baby doll that looks to be one year old, I would like it to have a nice trunk full of clothes for the doll if you can find one. I would like it to walk and talk. I would like a carriage with two round windows in the top of it. I would like pink bedroom slippers with rabbits on them. I want a bicycle and a pair of skates. I want a bracelet, be sure it is gold also a ring with M.L.W on it. I want all of a set of “The Four Little Blossoms” books. I also want a lot of things in my stocking. Please, Santa Claus, give a lot of things to the poor people everywhere. I wish you a merry Christmas.
As Xmas is so near, I want to let you know just what I would like to have. Please bring me a bugle as I can surely blow one good, and Lady wants me to play in the City band someday. You can bring me a nice book to read and a soldier suit with legons [sic], lots of goodies, also do not forget my little cousin Edith she wants a little tea cart.
Well, Santa, this is all with lots of love wishing you a Merry Xmas from your little friend.
P.S. Santa I still live at 172 San Marco Ave.
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I am a little girl 10 years old and I have three little sisters and one little brother. I would like you to bring me a nice new cape, new shoes, a nice big doll, sulky doll, pocketbook, and fix up my wheel, some hair ribbons, and anything else you think I would like. My little sister Edith is 5 ½, she would like a velocipede and some paper dolls, a new doll and anything else you would like to bring her. My sister Lucille wants the same as Edith, but she wants a cape also and little Naomi is just 2 years old she wants a doll that will say mamma, and she wants a broom, and lots of pretty things and Ambrose is just 1 year old you can bring him some blocks, a monkey, ball, dog and a little sweater suit from Smith’s baby store. Please bring plenty of oranges, nuts, apples, bananas, candy tangerines, some horns for us all.
From one of your little girls,
P.S. Dear Santa don’t forget that I do not live at the same place anymore. I live at 52 Central. I will leave the front door open for you.
Will you please bring me a doll, a go-cart, a little truck, two tablets, two lead pencils and some nice fruit so as my mamma and daddy will have something to enjoy also, thanking you dear Santa, I remain your little girl,
I am a little girl 4 1/2 years old. I live on Anastasia Island, at the big lighthouse. I have no little girls to play with, so please Santi come and bring me some toys for my Christmas, a kiddy cart, a doll carriage, a large doll bed, and some nuts and candy. I am going to hang my stocking in the southeast chimney of our house and my daddy will keep the big light burning all Xmas night so you can find the right chimney, so please dear Santa, don't forget your little lonesome friend.
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I am going to try to be a good little boy and go to school every day until Xmas so please bring me these few things, a paint set, a ball and glove, a storybook, a jigger and anything else that is good for a little boy 6 years old. Please do not forget my candy and bring Nellie a ball.
I am a little boy, 8 years old. And want you to bring me a cowboy suit and a tool chest, and some nuts and candy. That will be all for this year.
As Christmas will soon be here I am going to tell you what I want. I don’t want much, as I have a bicycle all ready so you can bring me a big football, and a raincoat to wear to school and please bring me a lot of marbles so I can play keeps with the other boys. Don’t forget that I live at the end of the car line with my grandmother.
Mother says it has been one year since I wrote you, a long time for little boys to be good (we’ve tried to be). So please Santa bring us each a cowboy suit, a fire truck, a Sandy Andy, several storybooks, some marbles, a ball, a knife, some games, and anything else you think we might like. Our brother James wants only an electric train, and bring our little sister several dolls and Oh! Santa I can’t begin to tell you all she wants, so just bring her everything a little girls should have.
My name is Mary Catherine Murphy and I am 5 years old. I have a little sister and her name is Virginia Murphy and she is 3 years old. I can't read or write so I asked my dada to write what I say. We are trying so hard to be good and if you have room on your sleigh, please bring us a wagon for spud, he's a goat; a yellow ribbon for Moses, our dog; and a blue ribbon for Joe the cat. I would like a doll if you please, one with a white dress, a clown doll and a jumping Jack. Virginia would like a monkey, a dog, a toy house. We both like candy. Mama and Dada will put the tree in the library and we will have everything ready for you we know you are in a hurry and want to remember all good children so please take some toys to all the little boys and girls who have no one to write for them. Thank you, dear Santa, God bless you.
Mary Catherine and Virginia Murphy 114 San Marco Ave.
I am a little girl only 3 years old and I have been right good this year. I don't go to school yet but my daddy has taught me how to spell my name and he says it is a hard name for a little girl like me to spell so if you will bring me what I ask you for Santa, I will spell it for you when you come by. Well, Santa, I want you to bring me a large dolly with real hair and a Go-Kart to roll her in and a washboard and tub and some clothespins and line to hang the dolly's clothes on and if you will be so good and kind Santa to bring me my little Kitty something, I won't ask you for anything else. Well, I will close Santa hoping you will find where I live and be careful and don't get hurt when you come to my house.